SearchSecurity: Network Security Tactics

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tutorial 3: Searching the Web

Types of Search Questions

Specific Questions: Can be answered with a single fact or set of information. 

Exploratory Questions: Search starts with general questions that lead to other, less general questions.

Steps to Searching the Web
  1. Formulate and state your questions (specific or exploratory).
  2. Select the appropriate tool(s) to use in your search.
  3. Translate your questions into a search query.
  4. Run the query and evaluate your results.
  5. If results do not answer questions: 
For specific questions:
Continue the search with a different search tool or revise and narrow the questions an repeat the steps. 
For exploratory questions: 
If results do not answer the question, formulate and state additional questions and repeat the process until there is sufficient information to answer the question

Web Search Tools 
Search Engine: A Web site that finds other Web sites and pages based on a word or phrase.
  •  Search expression/query: The word or phase you enter.
  • Results page: List of hyperlinks (Web sites) that contain text that matched you query
  • Hit: Web page that is indexed in the search engine’s database and that contains text that matches a specific search expression.
Directory: A listing of hyperlinks to Web pages that is organized into hierarchical categories. The combination of search engine and directory is sometimes called a hybrid search engine directory.

Metasearch Engine: A tool that combines the power of multiple search engines.

Bibliographies: Also called resource lists, subject guides, clearinghouses, and virtual libraries
Can be very useful when you want to obtain a broad overview or a basic understanding of a complex subject area
To search for a Web Bibliographies for a particular subject, include the search term along with the words subject guide in the search expression

How Search Engine Companies Make Money 

Sponsored Links: Links that appear to be hits, but are actually paid placement links.
Banner Ads: Advertising that appears in a box on a web page.


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